20 Years of ESL

From all of us at ESL, we thank you for 20 amazing years and we can’t wait to see what the future holds.

Super proud of being part of the family.

Rodrigo Samwell Diniz

Chief Marketing Officer/ Interim Chief Commercial Officer

Brings back lots of great memories, from playing to volunteering and ending up working full time at ESL.

David Hommelsen

Senior Project Manager Technology

Surreal to think about it. 20 years in the making. Enormous honour to have boarded this ship 15 yrs ago, still curious and learning every day

Kai Kienzle

VP Fan Marketing

What a journey, could write a book over all the stories and untold stories of the last 15+ years with ESL.

Sebastian Weishaar

Chief Product Officer

When I first signed up to ESL to watch WoW on Octoshape and play Gathers I didn’t think I would be one day celebrating its #ESL20 birthday as an employee. Couldn’t be happier

Oliver Maxfield

General Manager Mobile

3 years with ESL on November 15th. Working for ESL is a lot of things but it’s definitely never boring.

Vladimir Petrescu

Director Broadcast Production & Engineering

Joined the craziness a little more than 5 years ago. Learned so much and wouldn’t miss a day as even the worst of them had a bright side at the end.

Adam Jobst-Pistorius

Senior Account Manager

…and it’s been exactly 3 years since I joined the family in November 2017! Happy anniversary ESL.

Marlena Siwa

Senior Marketing Execution Manager

I went [there] as a @ESLPlay volunteer to help out on a partner booth.

Florian Schiekel

Associate Director Community Management

My ESL account turned 20 in September. It is older than many of the players competing at our events these days. In 2000, I still had to convince my parents that spending a weekend at a LAN event was not going to make me drop out of school. And here we are, 20 years later.

Ulrich Schulze

SVP Product

I remember [that] vividly. That @mbCARMAC was already running @IEM and we were close to tears (hugs).”

Ralf Reichert


Contact us

EFG owns a portfolio of brands in different categories. We are leading the industry with numerous online and offline competitions, digital platforms as well as gaming lifestyle festivals.